
Calendar of events

Roque del Conde

Nature > Roque del Conde

From the plateau that crowns it, you can enjoy panoramic views of the coasts of Adeje, Arona, San Miguel, Granadilla de Abona, part of Guía de Isora and Santiago del Teide, as well as the island of La Gomera.

The Roque del Conde or "Roque de Ahiyo" trail, also known as "Roque de Ichasagua", is a route that mixes the beauty of the landscape with the history of Tenerife.

This volcanic rock rises to an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level, with an ascent of about 2.5 kilometers. It belongs to the protected area Reserva Natural Especial de Barranco del Infierno.

From the plateau that crowns it, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the coasts of Adeje, Arona, San Miguel, Granadilla de Abona and part of Guía de Isora and Santiago del Teide. The cobblestone path begins in the neighboring municipality of Arona, ascending the eastern slope of the rock. The trail crosses the old cultivation terraces of El Tablero, once dedicated to the cultivation of cereals.

In the area the cardón (Euphorbia canariensis) and the tabaiba majorera or red tabaiba (Euphorbia atropurpurea) stand out. The name "Roque de Ichasagua" recalls the mencey Ichasagua, who resisted the invaders until several years after 1496, the official date of the conquest of Tenerife. According to the chroniclers, he ended his life in Llano del Rey, now Arona, stabbing himself with his own dagger when he discovered the betrayal of other Guanche chiefs.

Duration: 1h 44min. Highest slope: 445m. Lowest slope: 66m. Length: 4,2Km. Difficulty level: Medium

Difficulty level: Medium

Start: Calle Vento (Arona)

End: Roque del Conde (Adeje)
Difficulty level: Medium
Trail type: Linear
Distance: 3.7 km
Duration: 2h
Height (maximum / minimum): 999 m / 596 m
Cumulative ascent elevation gain: 484 m
Cumulative descent gain: 149 m


For your safety, don't forget to check the weather forecast.

Beware of very hot days, this is a trail with no shady spots.

In case of emergency, call 112.