The weather in Costa Adeje. Costa Adeje, Tenerife Sur

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The weather in Costa Adeje

An average of 300 days of sunshine per year

Costa Adeje, like the rest of the Canary Islands, delights with a subtropical climate that embraces you all year round.

An average temperature of 27ºC in summer and 23ºC in winter

Here, temperatures are always friendly, without the extreme ups and downs of other places. In summer (June to September), thermometers usually range between 26 and 30 degrees, while in winter (December to February), the mercury stays around 20-23 degrees.

When it comes to rainfall, you don't have to worry too much. We have a short and mild rainy season, mainly between November and February. The rest of the year, rainfall is scarce, which means that the sun shines generously.

Our climate is influenced by gentle trade winds blowing from the northeast, although they do not directly impact the municipality. Thanks to the sea breeze, it always feels like spring here. And speaking of sunshine, we have plenty of it! The days are long and sunny in most seasons, but summer is when the sunsets dazzle with their beauty.
Adeje, Spain

Remember that the weather can be unpredictable, so it is good to consult an updated forecast before your visit to have accurate information about the weather in Costa Adeje.

Prepare your sunglasses and sunscreen and come and enjoy our enviable weather!