If you come from a country with a different currency you can exchange it in some exchange agencies. In the vast majority of establishments you can make your purchases and payments with credit cards. The most widely accepted cards are Eurocard-Mastercard, Visa, American Express and to a lesser extent Diners Club.
You should know that tipping is not mandatory and is not included in the bill. It is a voluntary practice to leave a tip to reward the good service of the professional. In restaurants it is customary to leave between five and ten percent of the bill.
The average temperature in summer is 27 degrees Celsius and in winter 22 degrees Celsius. However, we recommend you always bring something warm because at dusk and at night it can get chilly. It will also serve you well when you visit other places on the island. Due to the microclimates there are curious situations such as the Teide National Park is snowy and on the coast you can be swimming in the sea and sunbathing.
By the way, speaking of sun,don't forget to protect yourself well to avoid sunburn or sunstroke.
Moving around the island is very easy. You have at your disposal several car/motorbike rental companies and you can also make use of public transport: Guaguas (buses), streetcars (only in the metropolitan area) and cabs.
Costa Adeje is one of the safest tourist destinations in the world.
Yet we would like to remind you not to leave valuables in sight and keep an eye on your belongings in crowded places (beaches, markets, events, etc.).